Bosty decided to spend his summer vacation in the windy city – Chicago. He was really excited to see Frank Gehry’s Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park. He’s so cultured.

Then he had to stop by the “bean” because he thought it sounded tasty. He was disappointed to see that it wasn’t a real, edible bean.

He spent the afternoon wandering through Millennium Park dog watching and people watching, while admiring some of the park’s sculptures.

For dinner he had to stop by Giordanos for some deep dish pizza.

He even had some leftovers that he boxed up and had for a late night snack and breakfast the next day.

Up next? A visit to the impressive Art Institute of Chicago.

Bosty liked the modern wing – he’s a big fan of the architecture.

He also visited the special exhibit on Roy Lichtenstein. Bosty loves comics so he’s a big fan of Lichtenstein’s style.

Here’s one of his favorites in the exhibit – I think he just liked it because he could recognize Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

He was pretty excited to see Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks in person.

That night Bosty decided to live it up and do some fine dining at the famous Charlie Trotter’s restaurant. He heard it was closing soon, so he wanted to make sure he had a fancy multiple course meal there.

The next day he wanted to check out the view of the city from the Sky Deck at the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower).

After pushing through a lot of tourists at the top, he was able to get a few snapshots of himself in front of the view.

Next we wandered around the city – it was such a beautiful, sunny day. Bosty got excited when he saw this parade float drive by – such colorful seahorses!

Here he is posing for another one of his tourist snapshots.

Later we stumbled upon the Buckingham Fountain – Bosty was very tempted to swim in the water. After all, it was an unusually hot summer day.

The word hot reminds me of…hot dogs! We stopped by Hot Doug’s for lunch.

After waiting in line for about an hour, Bosty tried not to be a piggy while eating several Chicago style hot dogs (he worked up quite an appetite).

We ended our visit with a stroll through the city at night.