Food Collages from Wales, UK

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

The other day I heard from Mrs. Crooks who shared her student art from Class 1 at the Ysgol Gellifor School in Wales, UK. Her students range from ages 3 – 7. They studied my collages as part of their food topic in school where they made their own “painting with paper” collages.

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

The students used a variety of solid and textured magazine cutouts to make their collages.

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

Once the students completed their pieces, they covered their pictures with PVA glue.

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

I really enjoyed taking a look at the variety of colors and subjects the students collaged. They did an excellent job of making these works of art inspired by food, and it’s very impressive that they are such young artists. Collage can be a very challenging medium for beginners since it requires the patience to page through magazines to find the right colors and textures, as well as cutting and layering all the bits of paper.

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

Coyle inspired food collage from Wales, UK

Animal Collages from Cornwall, UK

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

The other week, Miss Smeaden from Cornwall, UK emailed me pictures of her students’ artwork. She teaches a Year 5 class, and they worked on their own colorful animal collages. I had a lot of fun reviewing the class’s artwork and seeing their collage display (pictured above).

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

It always brightens my day when I get emails from classrooms studying my art and making their own collages. The class did a lovely job of using bright, solid colors and incorporating various patterns and textures from magazine cutouts.

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle
Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

I also really enjoyed how expressive these creations were and seeing how many different animal species the class used for their compositions.

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

It was fun seeing bits of text from the magazines also incorporated into some of the pieces.

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle
Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

Collage can be a tricky medium when you’re new to it, and these students did a wonderful job of embracing the medium.

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle
Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

I hope these students continue to explore making collages, and I hope they had a fantastic time making these beautiful works of art!

Student collage from Cornwall, UK inspired by Megan Coyle

Collages from Ontario, Canada

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

Earlier this month, I heard from a teacher, Annette, from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, whose students took inspiration from my art to make their own collages. This grade 6 class did a lovely job of creating their own compositions. Collage can be a tricky medium to work in when you’re tackling it for the first few times, and these students did a wonderful job with it.

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

Above you can see a collection of the student work. It’s fun to see how different artists have their own unique style.

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

I enjoyed seeing how some of the students worked with fragments of texture and colors as well as combining cutouts of images like the dolphins pictured above.

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle
Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

The collage process involves a lot of patience, and again, I’m very impressed seeing the different imagery that the class created.

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

I hope the students had a lot of fun with these – it was definitely fun taking a look at so many colorful scenes. It made my day seeing some new, student work – and I hope they continue to make collages in the future.

Student art from Ontario Canada inspired by Megan Coyle

Wildlife Collages from East Sussex, England

Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle
Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle

This week I heard from James, a teacher at Newick Primary School in East Sussex, England. His Year 3 class recently did a project about British wildlife, and they made collages inspired by my art. I had so much fun taking a look at their work and thought I’d share a few of the collages. The students did a wonderful job working with texture and solid colors.

Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle
Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle

You can see that they incorporated fragments of images from magazine pages, especially for the backgrounds. I think it’s really fun to see the mix of fragments of greenery from nature alongside some solid colors and colorful textures for the foreground.

Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle

I also loved seeing how the students recreated collages of wildlife like the owl and fox.

Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle

It’s so exciting to see the collage work of young artists. I hope these students keep at it, since after all, it’s an amazing feeling to see how much your artwork can grow the more you practice it.

Wildlife student collage inspired by Megan Coyle

Animal Collages from The British School in Caracas, Venezuela

Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle
Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle

Earlier today I heard from Becky, a teacher at a school in Caracas, Venezuela, who sent me images of her class’s artwork. Her students studied my art and then made their own animal collages. I’ve actually heard from Becky a few times over the years, and it’s always exciting to see the collages that her students have made each year.

Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle

Some of the students used cut paper, like the one above.

Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle

While other students used torn paper for their compositions.

Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle
Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle

You can also see that they used a variety of textures and solid colors in their works of art. I also like how you can see such a variety of collage styles from this class. I hope they had a wonderful time creating these collages, and that they keep making art – they did a great job!

Student art inspired by collage artist Megan Coyle

Still Life Collages from Wolsingham, England

Coyle Inspired Collage from England
Collage completed by the entire class

Last month I heard from Lisa, a teacher from Wolsingham, England, who sent me images of her class’s artwork. Her Year 4 class was learning about collage. They studied Henri Matisse’s work of “painting with scissors” and my “painting with paper” technique.

Above is a piece that was completed by the entire class, while below are images of some of the student work (their plans and finished pieces).

Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Annabel
By Annabel

I always enjoy hearing from teachers and seeing student collage work. It definitely made my day when I received these images of colorful artwork in my inbox.

Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Emily
By Emily

I really enjoyed seeing how these students incorporated different textures and colors into their work. I was also really impressed with how they layered bits and pieces of paper. I hope they continue to explore collage and work on different compositions in the future.

Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Jonathan
By Jonathan
Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Molly
By Molly
Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Rose
By Rose
Coyle Inspired Collage from England by Sophie
By Sophie
Coyle Inspired Collage from England by William
By William

British School Caracas, Venezuela

The other day I heard from a teacher in Caracas, Venezuela, whose grade 6 class was studying my work and then made their own collages. Here are a few images of their artwork that she sent my way:

I really enjoyed seeing the creative compositions that the students came up with this time.

Still Life Collages from Tucson, Arizona

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

A class of K-8 students from the St. Cyril School in Tucson, Arizona studied my collage art and made their own still life collages.

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

The students did a wonderful job of incorporating solid colors, textures, and text into their collages.

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

It was fun seeing how they tackled subjects like coffee cups, like the piece above.

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

It was fun seeing the different styles of the students. That’s one of the things I love about making art – every artist has his/her own unique voice. And it’s absolutely wonderful seeing the voice that artists have at all levels.

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

Overall, I was impressed with what this class came up with. I hope the students continue to make collages in the future.

Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Student collage from Tucson inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

Cityscape Collages from London, England

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

The other day I heard from a teacher from the Year 5 Rowan Class at Beecroft Garden Primary school in London, where the class studied my collages and then went ahead and made their own collages.

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

The students are 9-10 years old, and they really did an amazing job at tackling the collage medium.

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

The class was also studying the “Men of the Docks” by George Bellows in a project with the National Gallery in London. The children spotted the 1912 New York skyline in the background of the picture and went from there with creating their compositions.

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

Above you can see that some of the children used mixed materials.

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

They used a great mix of textured magazine strips as well as solid colors.

Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages
Collage by a London student inspired by Megan Coyle's collages

It was wonderful hearing from another classroom. It always makes my day when teachers send student artwork that was inspired by my technique. I hope to continue to find ways to help bring collage into the classroom.

Wolf Collages from England

Collage from a student from England inspired by Megan Coyle's art

Year 3, from Collingtree CEVA Primary School in England, tweeted to me the other day with an image of one of their student’s wolf collages. The class had studied my artwork and then made their own collages.

Collage from a student from England inspired by Megan Coyle's art

They sent me quite a few images of student collages, so I decided to share a few that illustrated the type of work the class made.

Collage from a student from England inspired by Megan Coyle's art

It was a lot of fun seeing how these young artists used solid colors to piece together their works of art. I hope they keep on creating!