How to “Paint with Paper”

Commuters is a collage by Megan Coyle

I call the collage technique I use, “painting with paper,” because I manipulate magazine strips in such a way that they mimic the brushstrokes in a painting. By focusing on color and texture, I cut magazine pages into various shapes that make up the shadows and highlights of different compositions.

If you’re interested in making your own “painting with paper” collage, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Gather your materials

You’ll need:

  • a stack of magazines
  • watercolor paper or some sort of material to make your collage on
  • pencil and eraser
  • scissors
  • acid-free glue stick (this makes it easier to make adjustments to your collage when it’s still a work in progress)
  • UV-protective varnish

Materials that Megan Coyle uses for her collages

2. Pick a composition

Figure out what you want to collage. I like to take photos when I travel, which I later use as reference images for my artwork. I typically like to use animals, still life, landscapes, and people as the subjects for my art.

3. Sketch our your composition

On the support you’re using, sketch out your composition so you have a plan for the direction of your collage. The detail of the sketch may depend on the composition – for example, it may be simpler for minimalist landscape compositions, or more detailed when capturing the likeness of someone for a portrait.

Sketch of Commuters by collage artist Megan Coyle

4. Select colors and patterns

Page through the stack of magazines and tear out pages that have colors and patterns you’d like to incorporate into your collage. Sometimes I like to sort the magazine pages by color to make it easier when it comes to piecing together the collage.

Materials that Megan Coyle uses for her collages

5. Cut and paste shapes from the magazine pages

Cut out different shapes from the magazine pages based on the different shapes of shadows and highlights that compose your composition. Paste them on top of your sketch. You may want to cut several shapes before you start pasting, or paste the shapes down as you go.

Work in Progress of Commuters by collage artist Megan Coyle

6. Keep piecing it together

Add as many layers as you need in order to have the collage looking the way you want it to look. What’s great about collage, is that you can easily peel back previous layers if they aren’t working for you. You can also add layers to different sections.

Commuters by collage artist Megan Coyle

7. Varnish your collage

Once your collage is complete, varnish it with a UV-protective varnish so all the magazine strips stay in place. This will also help protect the paper from sunlight. Paper is a delicate material, and you’ll want to take as many steps as possible to protect your artwork.

8. Frame your collage

I’d recommend framing your collage with UV-protective glass as well.

And there you have it – the steps for making your own “painting with paper” collage. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or need some clarification on the process.

2 Replies to “How to “Paint with Paper””

  1. Megan,
    I would like permission to share your work with a group I instruct . Please contact me.
    MANY thanks in advance ,

    1. Hi Kathleen,

      Sure, you can share my work! Also, I’m a little curious, can you share a little more info about the group you instruct?


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