Still Life Collages from Pennsylvania

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

Lauren, a teacher at a high school in Pennsylvania, shared some of her students’ work with me. Her 9th grade students in an introductory art course created collages inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe’s flowers and skulls, and my collage work and technique.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

The students focused on color and separated their subjects and background by warm and cool colors.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

It was wonderful getting a chance to look through their colorful compositions.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

You can see that some of the students used more rectangular strips of paper for their compositions, which is similar to a lot of the shapes I use for backgrounds or more minimalist pieces I’ve made in the past.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

Other students incorporated bits of texture and patterns in the magazine strips they used, as you can see above.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

While others had more of a balance of solid colors and textures in the paper they used.

Student collage from Pennsylvania inspired by Megan Coyle's art

Yet again, I enjoyed seeing more student art. Keep up the great work!

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