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May 8th – June 4th, 2013
Map and Gallery Info
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 9th, 2013 from 7:00p.m. – 9:00p.m.
Coyle recently had her article “Megan Coyle on her Collage Portraiture” and an image of her artwork published in the book Bourgeon: Fifty Artist Write About Their Work. In celebration of the book’s publication, three of the book’s authors are exhibiting their artwork in a group show at Tryst in Adams Morgan. The exhibiting artists include Megan Coyle, Camille Mosley-Pasley, and Michele Banks.
Five of Coyle’s landscape/cityscape collages will be on display. Most of the pieces in the show were created when Coyle was working on a series for her “D.C. Collage Scapes” exhibit at the Arts Club of Washington back in February.
Copies of the Bourgeon book will be available for sale at the opening.