Hummingbird in the Woods

Hummingbird in the Woods by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Hummingbird in the Woods.” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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One of my art followers suggest I make a hummingbird collage. I made one last year that sold pretty quickly, so I figured I’d make another one this year. For this one, I focused on using fragments of trees from a few images so that the background would have a more uniform look. I enjoyed mixing a little texture for the hummingbird and decided to outline the bird to make it more visible since the background is more complex than what I typically do.


Hummingbird by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Hummingbird.” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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I keep trying to work on a different subject, but I’m consistently drawn back to animals. What can I say? I think animals are more exciting to make time lapse videos of. This was an especially fun collage to make since it was my first attempt at making a hummingbird.

In the Garden

“In the Garden” is a collage that I made back when I was in high school. It was made when I first started experimenting with collage. I had deemed the collage “finished,” and set it aside for some time. Then a couple of years later, when I was in college, I came across the collage and decided it wasn’t finished yet. So I proceeded to add in some more detailing with shadows and highlights, and then felt like it was closer to being “done.”

This might sound odd, but I never really feel like a work of art that I’m working on is ever finished. I simply give up on it after a certain amount of time. This is the only collage I’ve ever revisited after some time, however, I’m thinking it might be a good idea to start getting into the habit of reworking my older artwork.

Bosty Enjoys the Great Outdoors

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

This past weekend, Bosty decided to explore the outdoors by heading off to Charlotte, North Carolina. He was anxious to escape the city and get more in touch with nature – so he started off his trip with some kayaking.

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

When he was tired of kayaking on his own, he decided to watch others paddle in the water, enjoying the sunny weather and blue skies.

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

Later he strolled around the park and noticed that a sign said that dogs weren’t allowed in the area – oops!

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

So he wandered away from the signage and into the woods to get some exercise hiking. He loved running around all the trees and kicking up some dust in the trails.

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

After a long day of hiking around, he took an afternoon break by the water to enjoy the cool breeze and gaze at the beautiful river.

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

Before long he felt restless again, so he went off to do some outdoor climbing. Unfortunately his paws made it a little difficult to climb, and he couldn’t make it to the top…

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

Later he went for a stroll and admired the landscape in another local park. “It’s beginning to look a lot like spring!” he thought.

Bosty enjoys the great outdoors by Megan Coyle

By the end of the day, he was completely exhausted, so he took a nap with a couple new friends he made, the French Bulldogs Maddie and Brady.

Inquisitive Birdy

Inquisitive Birdy by collage artist Megan Coyle

Inquisitive Birdy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Inquisitive Birdy” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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After completing a few still life collages, I just had to change things up a bit and make another animal collage. This piece was inspired by one of my strolls in a park in Chicago. A bird flew over to where I was sitting and got pretty close to me. So I had to take out my camera and take a quick snapshot.

I had fun tackling this piece, and I think that I may return to making another animal series. It all really depends on what inspires me when I start sketching a few more possible pieces.

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