British School Caracas, Venezuela

Every year around this time of year, I start to hear from students from a class in Venezuela. A teacher at the British School Caracas there teaches a unit on my work, and it’s always wonderful to hear from her students. It’s even better when I get a chance to see their painting with paper collages.

Earlier this week I heard from one of the British School Caracas students, Maia Troconis, who sent along a few images of her work. As always, I’m impressed by what the students come up with on their own. It’s always fantastic to see the work of growing artists.

Collage inspired by Megan Coyle
“A Day in Paris, Virginia” by Maia Troconis
Collage inspired by Megan Coyle
“Lucy goes to the Beach” by Maia Troconis
Collage inspired by Megan Coyle
“Shimmers of Gold in my Garden” by Maia Troconis

Collages from Texas

Texas Student Coyle Collage

I recently heard from a teacher from Port Aransas, Texas who used my artwork as inspiration for a student art project. Here are a few of the pieces that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders created:

Texas Student Coyle Collage

Texas Student Coyle Collage

Texas Student Coyle Collage

Texas Student Coyle Collage

As always, it’s a lot of fun to receive student work in my inbox. I definitely enjoyed taking a look at what this group came up with.

Animal Collages from Springfield, Ohio

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

This week I heard from Elizabeth Crites, a teacher from Ohio. She contacted me to see if she could send me images of her student work. Her 7th grade students worked on a “painting with paper” project where they looked at images and videos of my artwork. Then they brought in pictures of their pets, or if they didn’t have pets they made collages of other animals, and completed their own “painting with paper” works of art.

Here are some of their wildlife animal collages:

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

And here are images of the pet collages:

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

Ohio Student Work inspired by Megan Coyle's Collages

It’s wonderful to see the work of young artists. Elizabeth’s students did a great job – and it’s fun seeing how each student had his or her own style.

Animal Collages from Washington, Pennsylvania

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

On Twitter I found out about a class from Germantown Academy in Washington, Pennsylvania who studied Romare Bearden’s artwork as well as my collage work, and then made their own “painting with paper” collages. When I saw images of the students’ work, I just had to share them! I am pretty impressed by what this class of 4th graders came up with. Here are a few from the class:

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

The students worked with magazine cut-outs to make the animals and paint for the background.

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

Student Collage inspired by Megan Coyle collage artist

It’s wonderful inspiring others, and it’s also wonderful seeing what young artists are capable of creating.

British School Caracas, Venezuela

During the past couple of months, I’ve received emails from a number of students from the British School Caracas in Venezuela. The students are working on an art project where they write about my life and also create their own collages. Below are some of the collages the students have made:

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

It always brightens my day to see collage work by students from around the world.

Collages from Mississippi

Megan Coyle inspired collages from Mississippi

This morning I received an email from Ann, an art teacher from Mississippi. She sent me these photos of her 7th grade students with their “Megan Coyle collages.” She told me that she created a lesson plan about my work, showed her students images of my collages, and then had them make their own collages on recycled Masonite boards leftover from the school’s theatre department.

I love it when teachers send images of their student collage art. It’s great seeing what such young artists are able to accomplish with bits and pieces of paper. And it was great seeing another batch of wonderful collages where students embraced the medium – some working mainly with textured magazine strips, some working with solid colors, while others used a variety of both solid and textured. Again, it was fun getting a chance to see these.

Megan Coyle inspired collages from Mississippi

Megan Coyle inspired collages from Mississippi

Megan Coyle inspired collages from Mississippi

Coffee Cup Collages from New Zealand

Collage in the Classroom - New Zealand

Earlier this week I received an email from a teacher, Helen, from New Zealand. She told me that her students studied my work in class and then worked on their own coffee cup collages. The students were a class of 8-year-olds. I thoroughly enjoyed taking a look at their colorful coffee cup collages. And it was wonderful seeing what the kids were able to create while cutting and pasting rectangular strips of paper.

Helen sent along several images of the students’ work (see above and below). While I always enjoy hearing from teachers and students who are studying my work in school, I enjoy it even more when they send along images so I have a chance to see what they’ve made.

Collage in the Classroom - New Zealand

Collage in the Classroom - New Zealand

Collage in the Classroom - New Zealand

Animal Collages from Lancashire, England

Last week I received an email from a teacher, Amanda, from Lancashire, England. She sent me images of collages her students were working on. The 7 and 8 year olds worked in pairs using my “painting with paper” technique to create collages based on animal illustrations from the covers of books written by Michael Morpurgo. Morpurgo is an English author, poet, and playwright that the students were also studying in school.

Below you will find the students’ collage work on the left, with the illustration their work was based on below the collage:

Coyle Inspired Artwork

Coyle Inspired Collage

I was very impressed by this group’s work. Especially since the students are so young, and were able to do such a great job of mixing textures with solid colors in their collages. It definitely made my day getting to see their artwork.

British School Caracas, Venezuela

A few months ago I received emails from several students who attend the British School in Caracas, Venezuela. The students were assigned to do a project on my work. This included writing a biography on my life, analyzing three of my collages, and then making three collages – one of which had to be a copy of one of my pieces, while the other two were their own creation that used my collage technique.

In April, several of the students’ collages – that copied my work or were inspired by my technique – were published in The Circle Gazette. The Circle Gazette is a publication that prints stories and artwork by students from around the world. The collages appeared in the center-spread of their April issue, which is pictured above and below.

It was great getting to see what the students did after exchanging emails with several of them about the project.

Here are my original collages alongside the students’ copies:

It was pretty impressive how close the students were able to get to the originals – especially with collage, which is such a hard medium to copy since you can never recreate the exact textures and fragments of photographs used. But I must say, they got pretty close!

All in all, it was fun getting to see their work. One of the things I enjoy most about being an artist is being able to inspire others. And it makes my day every time I hear from students and teachers that are using my collages in their classroom.

“Painting with Paper” Collages from NYC

A couple months ago I received an email from Eric, an artist and art educator in NYC. He had a few questions about my collage technique and told me that he was doing a collage unit around my work and the idea of “painting with paper.”

Yesterday he sent me the activity guide he used as well as several pictures of student collages. It made my day seeing some “painting with paper” work that was done in the classroom. Take a look at some of the student work, it’s very impressive:

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

The students used Chuck Close’s technique of using a grid to make large drawings. Then they collaged on top of their drawings.

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage

Coyle Inspired Collage