Hermit Crab

Hermit Crab by collage artist Megan Coyle
Hermit Crab by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Hermit Crab” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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This is another collage inspired by the National Zoo in Washington, DC – which is one of my favorite places to visit to gather inspiration for future works of art. I’m hoping to get started on a still life collage in the next couple of weeks, but I suppose I tend to procrastinate when it comes to still life work. I was about to get started on one but then fell into making this hermit crab collage. What can I say? I really enjoy making collages of different animals. Animals are just too fascinating – so much color and variety.


Flamingo by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Flamingo” Collage on paper. 7″x5″
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Here’s an image of the flamingo collage from my time lapse video. It’s not very common for me to finish a collage all in one sitting, but that’s what I did with this one. Looks like filming the entire process kept me on track. I’ll have to experiment with some more videos of my collages in the future.

Red Beagle

Red Beagle by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Red Beagle” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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Another day, another beagle. What can  I say? They’re one of my go-t0-dogs for collaging – just beagles and dachshunds.

Anyway, I had fun working on this small collage. It got me thinking about future projects to work on. I’m hoping to do some work with film and collage soon, as well as begin a new series.

More info will be posted in the upcoming weeks…

Puppies in Jail

Puppies in Jail by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Puppies in Jail” Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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Here is the finished piece, inspired by a couple of Golden Retrievers that I saw in Old Town Alexandria. The next piece I’m working on is (surprise, surprise) another dog collage. What can I say, I’m caught up with the same subject matter at the moment. I hope to move away from these furry friends soon and begin another landscape/cityscape series.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day and that you’re having a wonderful weekend!

Green Beagle

Green-Beagle “Green Beagle.” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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Here’s my latest animal collage. Recently I’ve been busy with a number of art-related and nonart-related things. I’ve decided that I’ll focus on making a series of smaller collages during this time. As a result, I’ll be able to explore a number of different subjects since my smaller works of art don’t take as long to complete as my larger pieces.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful December. Can’t believe that it will be 2014 in a matter of days.

Contemplative Purple Dachshund

Contemplative Purple Dachshund by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Contemplative Purple Dachshund.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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I recently completed another dachshund collage. Looks like there’s been a bit of a pattern in the subject matter I’ve been tackling…

Anyway in other news, I’m hoping to film my collage process somewhat soon and create a time lapse video. More to come later…

Blue Dachshund’s Day Out

Blue Dachshund's Day Out by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Blue Dachshund’s Day Out.” Collage on paper. 5″x7″
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Although this year has been a quiet one in my studio, I got around to completing another small collage yesterday, “Blue Dachshund’s Day Out.” I’m planning to continue to work on smaller pieces here and there as I work on other creative endeavors. Sometimes a change of pace is well needed.

Watchful Tiger

Watchful Tiger by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Watchful Tiger.” Collage on paper. 16″x12″
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I’ve been taking a bit of a break from my art-making so I can unwind and experiment with other media. However, I’m still working away on collages here and there. This week I completed my latest commission, a tiger collage. The client had purchased my “Watchful Lion” collage, and was interested in getting a tiger collage to go along with it. She also wanted a sunset in the background of the composition.

So as I worked on this piece, I kept a thumbnail image of the “Watchful Lion” in front of me so I could make sure the new collage would look related to the previous piece. This one was definitely a fun piece to work on. I really enjoyed using all the bright colors.

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Scarlet Macaw.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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And the collage is complete! Next up? A landscape/cityscape series inspired by scenes around DC and neighboring areas. My goal is to complete one collage each week so I’ll be able to finish a new body of work in time for a solo show in February 2013. I’ve got quite a bit of collaging ahead of me…

Red Ruffed Lemur

Red Ruffed Lemur by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Red Ruffed Lemur.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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Lemurs are such unusual critters. I just love their eyes – they always look somewhat cartoonish. And I had a lot of fun putting this piece together.

Lately, a lot of my animal collages have been in the larger size I work in – 18″x24.” I decided that I really needed to create a series of bigger animal collages. It helps if you have a variety of sizes to pull from when working on an inventory for an upcoming exhibit.

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