Figure Seated by the Counter

Figure Seated by the Counter by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Figure Seated by the Counter.”
Collage on paper. 24″x18″
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The portrait is complete! Of course there are a few areas that I’d like to fix, but I think I’m pretty much done with this one. I’ll probably return to it in a few weeks when I can approach it with a more critical eye.

More to come next week, since, well, I’ll be busy this weekend and won’t have much time to make art.

Happy 4th of July!

As We Are: The Enduring Nude

Dancing in the Nude drawing by Megan Coyle

July 3 – July 26, 2008
Nicholas Colasanto Center; Alexandria, Virginia
Map and Gallery Info

Megan Coyle’s “Dancing in the Nude” gestural drawing was on display in the Del Ray Artisans’ exhibition that was dedicated to the nude figure. Megan’s drawing created during one of the live model drawing sessions that the Del Ray Artisans holds on a weekly basis. It was a result of a series of quick five minute poses by the model – where Megan had just enough time to capture the basic shape and line of the figure’s body.

This exhibition was an opportunity for local artists to showcase their work. The show displayed artwork that ranged from photographs to paintings to collages.

The curators described the theme for this exhibition as follows:

“Since the beginning of time, artists have attempted to capture the human figure in all its diversity. Ancient drawings and sculptures may have been symbols of fertility or of great bravery. The human figure was depicted as deities and in religious rites. As time went on, artists drew, painted and sculpted the figure in ways that represented both the ideal and everyday life. For centuries artists and art students have studied the human figure, using the live model, as a way of developing their skills. Today, artists continue this tradition, as we use our art to explore the infinite variety and beauty of the body or to comment on the human condition.”

As We Are: The Enduring Nude

Today I heard back from the Del Ray Artisans’ juried exhibition that I entered. My gestural drawing, “Dancing in the Nude,” was chosen by the juror and will be on display at the Nicholas Colasanto Center. It will be open from July 3rd to July 26th.

Orange Plains Collage

Orange Plains by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Orange Plains.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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I finished this a couple of days ago but didn’t have a chance to take pictures of it until today. This is my first attempt at doing a landscape collage. I think I’ll work on a few more landscape collages–I like the idea of broadening my range of subject matter.

Dachshund Collage

Dachshund by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Dachshund.” Collage on paper. 12″x16″
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Here’s the dachshund collage that I finished the other day. I also did a landscape piece today that I’ll post later this week or weekend–whenever I get a chance to take pictures of it.

Daffodils and Green Coffee Cup

Daffodils by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Daffodils.” Collage on paper. 12″x16″
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Here are the last two collages I’ve completed. I’ve just begun another dachshund collage. I think I’ll try to make another dachshund collage where the dog is an abnormal color.

I also recently joined the Art League and renewed my membership with the Del Ray Artisans. The Del Ray Artisans are about to have another juried exhibition, this one will be called “The Enduring Nude.” I think I’ll frame a sketch I did during one of my life drawing classes with them and enter it.

Green Coffee Cup by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Green Coffee Cup.” Collage on paper. 16″x12″
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Red Coffee Cup Collage

Red Coffee Cup by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Red Coffee Cup.” Collage on paper. 16″x12″
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I’ve decided to work on a coffee cup series as well as I get prepared for Art on the Avenue (in hopes that I’ll get into it). This is the first one I’ve completed and I’m currently working on another one.

Swan and Flower Collages

Here’s an update on the collages I’ve been creating this summer. I’m about to begin a coffee cup series as well, and once I finish the first piece I’ll post that as well.

Green Swan by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Green.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Orange Swan by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Orange.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Pastel Sawn by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Pastel.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Purple Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Purple Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Blue Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Blue Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Warm Color Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Warm Color Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Sunflower by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Sunflower.” Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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