Interviewed on Creative Mojo

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Mark Lipinski

On July 6th I got to experience my first live radio interview. I was definitely a bit nervous about going on a show where I had no idea what questions I would get asked. I suppose I have a tendency of liking the process of being overly prepared and have something already rehearsed and ready to go. And I have to admit, I didn’t tell anyone when I was going on the air since I wasn’t sure how it would pan out. Nevertheless, it was a great experience and I’m glad I did it.

I was on’s live broadcast of Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski, a show dedicated to the modern crafter and crafting lifestyle. Mark was a pretty hilarious interviewer – can’t you just tell from this fabulous photo of him?

Here are some related links:

Mark’s blog about the episode
The Creative Mojo website
Download the episode for free from iTunes

Megan Coyle collage artist

Listen to the interview below:

4 Replies to “Interviewed on Creative Mojo”

  1. Great interview, Megan! It was nice to hear your voice and get more insight into your process. The animated 3D collage characters sound fun, can’t wait to see what you do!

  2. i loved the interview and thought mark was such a fun interviewer. he had really great questions for you and listened to your responses. you were terrific!

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