Guitar Man

Guitar Man by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Guitar Man.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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This is finished at the moment. I’ll need to dive back into this in a couple of weeks to make sure everything is looking just the way I’d like it. I’ve found that whenever I work on a piece, I spend so much time hovering over it that I can’t really notice my mistakes that well. Setting this aside will help quite a bit.

A Day in the Park

A Day in the Park by collage artist Megan Coyle
“A Day in the Park.”
Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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A lot of the people in the area are obsessed with their dogs–on a busy street a couple blocks from my house, there are two (not one, but two) dog bakeries. It was only fitting that I’d do a park scene that included a little dog.

And I’m done with this series for now. I’m off to work on cutting paper for my next projects. Perhaps another portrait? A flower? Another animal piece? We’ll see where my inspiration leads me.


Scott by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Scott.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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Here’s the completed collage for my senior thesis exhibition. This portrait was inspired by my cousin Scott, who passed away from cancer back when I was in high school. He was thirteen at the time, but now he lives on in our memories and the artwork made by my family (there are a lot of creatives in my family).