Grandfather and Grandson

Grandfather and Grandson by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Grandfather and Grandson.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″

Here’s one of the holiday commissions I completed a couple months ago. My client wanted me to make a collage of her friend with his grandson. Since this piece wasn’t the smallest size I work in, it wasn’t as difficult to collage two figures on the 9″x12″ area. However, since 9″x12″ is still somewhat small, it was a bit of a challenge to get the likeness down properly for the grandson. I did have a bit of fun collaging all those colorful badges on the grandfather’s jacket.

I have a few more collages that I completed this year that I’ll post in the next couple of weeks. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great December!


Landscape by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Landscape.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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This is a piece that I completed a few days ago. My client wanted me to make an abstract landscape, somewhat similar to “The Artist from a Distance” collage. So now I just need to frame it and deliver it to its new home. I’m also beginning to do a bit of work on my first chinchilla portrait. Chinchillas sure are cute!

Anyway, I’m off to run a few errands. And I can’t believe it’s almost December and before long it will be 2012. Wow, it still blows my mind how fast a year can creep by.


Noah by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Noah.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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And here’s the completed collage of the smiling dog. Looking back at all the previous commission work I’ve done, it looks like dog portraits have been the most popular subject. When it comes to tackling pet portraits, I’ve found that it helps a lot if the subject is a happy-looking pup.

In other news, you can check out my article that was just published on Bourgeon Online – Art is a Story. I discuss the writing and illustrating process for Duck & Fish as well as the storytelling I do with my other art projects.

Purple Beagle

Purple Beagle by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Purple Beagle.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″
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Another day, another doggie collage.

Lately I’ve been dabbling with some film work – figuring out how to work with editing, lighting, etc. Perhaps sometime in the future I’ll tackle a few collage-related film pieces. We shall see…

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a glorious week – and happy-almost-Friday!

The Neighing Neighbor

The Neighing Neighbor
“The Neighing Neighbor.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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And here’s the completed collage. The other day I got started on another portrait collage which is coming along nicely – I’m hoping to take more progress pictures of it than I did with this one.

Also, recently I heard that several of my animal collages were accepted into a group juried exhibition in North Carolina. It looks like I’ll have another road trip fairly soon. Bosty might even tag along.

Golden Plains

Golden Plains by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Golden Plains.”
Collage on mat board. 7″x5″
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I decided to put together another abstract landscape collage today. It’s really nice to change up my technique to make these – they’re pretty fun to do. Usually I focus a lot of time on little details, and it’s nice to cut loose and just focus on color and texture while tearing paper instead of cutting it.

I’m still working away as usual. March has been a quiet month for my blog – I hope to post more next month. I’m striving to finish a couple large projects relatively soon, so once they’re completed that should free up my schedule a bit. Anyway, I’m off to work on some more illustrations.

Experiment 3: Landscape

Landscape by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Experiment 3: Landscape.”
Collage on paper. 7″x5″
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Another experimental piece of mine. It’s fun trying something new, although I must admit, I enjoy my usual style of “painting with paper” much better than creating abstract pieces. However, it is pretty therapeutic putting together torn bits of paper.

I set my children’s book illustrations aside for a couple of weeks, but I’m back to working on them. And I’ve started planning an educational section that I’ll add to my website sometime in the future. I get emails from teachers every once in a while who use my artwork in their classrooms, and I thought it might be nice to put something together that could help them with their lesson plans.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Experiment 2: Landscape

Landscape by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Experiment 2: Landscape.”
Collage on paper. 7″x5″
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Every now and then I’ll do some planning for my workshop in Jasper, Indiana. I like taking my time when it comes to planning for exhibitions and lectures, so that way I can ensure everything is taken care of and that I’m well prepared. So bit by bit I’ve been working on examples that I’ll share with the class.

Above is another experimental piece. Again it looks much different than any of my other work. This is more like playing with the materials and seeing what results I can get. It also helps me think about what projects I can have for the class. This piece is an abstract landscape made entirely from tearing magazine strips. You can see that some of the pieces have more obvious tears while others are pretty subtle.

Ryan and His Sweetheart

Ryan and His Sweetheart
“Ryan and His Sweetheart” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″

I like the story behind this collage: Recently the guy who owns the domain contacted me. I wanted that domain when I first put my website together, but had to settle with since another Megan Coyle had a site up and running on So the owner contacted me, telling me that his client, another Megan, no longer used her website. Thus the web address wasn’t being used and was pointing to an error page, although the owner was still paying money for the domain. So he offered to do a trade – he’d transfer the domain to my account if I made a collage for him.

Above is the collage that I made for him. The challenge with this piece was that it was one of my smaller sized collages, and I wasn’t doing a portrait of one, but two people. I had to cut the magazine strips pretty small, but I’m pleased that it came together in the end.

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