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Here’s my first attempt at collaging a chameleon. Next time round I’d like to play even more with the texture of the lizard, and perhaps have some fun with focusing on what chameleons are known for – changing colors. There are all kinds of possibilities…just think of how many unique backgrounds or settings could be used for the chameleon as it tries to blend in.
In other news, last week my solo show in Manassas ended. It was wonderful getting the opportunity to share my work at the Candy Factory, it’s just a shame that the time flew by so quickly. I was pleased to see that several collages now have new homes. As great as it is to sell your artwork, sometimes I find myself thinking “Oh no – I hope I can make something just as good to replace the sold work.” There’s always the worry of having enough consistent and cohesive work to exhibit in upcoming solo shows.
I’m going to be pretty busy working away on artwork for future exhibits this year and next year. After that, I think I’ll take a break from exhibiting my work so often so I can focus more time and energy on other projects like short animations or another children’s book.