Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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The Masonic Temple in the city of Alexandria–another one of the well known buildings in the area. I managed to begin and finish this mini collage today. More to come in the series later this week.
The Masonic Temple in the city of Alexandria–another one of the well known buildings in the area. I managed to begin and finish this mini collage today. More to come in the series later this week.
Here’s the latest–I plan on doing at least three more in the series. I also ordered some materials to get started on making magnets for the festival in October. I’ll post pictures of those whenever I get around to completing a few.
I finished this piece really late last night. I like it a lot better than the first one–I thought my first landscape was a little too abstract. Thus I plan to submit this one instead.
Also, I’ll try to get started on another mini collage for the Around the City Series. I’m hoping to complete about five or six collages to show the editor before August.
The second piece completed in the series. I’ve also realized how much I prefer doing pieces that are portraits or have animals in them. It’s a struggle to work on architecture or landscapes. But I’m giving them a try!
And I’ll get started on another landscape today. I am determined to make something that I’ll like.
I just finished a landscape collage for an upcoming exhibition. However, landscapes are my weakness, and I haven’t really studied them with my collage work. I’ll probably try to work on a couple more of them in order to figure out which ones to submit.
I met with the editor and publisher of the Alexandria Times the other day to talk about the artwork they publish for the newspaper. He gave me a list of themes and ideas for a few papers that will be published in the future. I’ve begun working on a series of collages around the city for their newcomers guide to Alexandria. I’ve decided to make a bunch of mini collages for this project so that the editor can choose his favorites from the group, and then those can be collaged together using Photoshop. Here’s the first one I completed today.
Here’s the piece I finished this morning. I’m planning on working on a series of scenes around town which I’ll post as I finish each one.
The portrait is complete! Of course there are a few areas that I’d like to fix, but I think I’m pretty much done with this one. I’ll probably return to it in a few weeks when I can approach it with a more critical eye.
More to come next week, since, well, I’ll be busy this weekend and won’t have much time to make art.
Happy 4th of July!
I just did this one for fun–I finished it last night.
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I finished this a couple of days ago but didn’t have a chance to take pictures of it until today. This is my first attempt at doing a landscape collage. I think I’ll work on a few more landscape collages–I like the idea of broadening my range of subject matter.