A Potomac River Afternoon

“A Potomac River Afternoon.”
Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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Whew, this week has been a busy one already – I’m pretty good at keeping my hands busy. Anyway, I’ve gotten started on another possible portrait/figurative piece for my solo exhibition next year and I’ll post progress pictures later. I’m also really itching to get started on more animal portraits, living near the zoo has its perks – it gives me plenty of opportunities to take pictures for future projects. Anyway, here’s the finished collage that I’ve been working on recently.

Chow Time

Chow Time by Megan Coyle
“Chow Time.” Collage on paper. 18″x24″
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And it’s finished for the moment. Later on this year or maybe at the beginning of next year, I’ll go back through these possible solo exhibition pieces and tweak them a bit.

I hope everyone has a happy Friday! What will you be up to? I’m about to make my way to New York for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. I’ll take plenty of pictures and maybe I’ll find some inspiration for future portraits.

Purple Pansy

Purple Pansy
“Purple Pansy.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″

I made another flower collage. Aside from this piece, I’ve gotten started on a couple more collages that are potential pieces for my solo exhibition next year. I’m also working on a commissioned piece, however those progress pictures won’t be posted for a while.

The Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial by Megan Coyle
“The Lincoln Memorial.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″
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I finished this one the other day and it’s now for sale on my Etsy shop. I’m going to try to do a few more mini D.C. collages whenever I have a chance in between my figurative work for my solo exhibition and my commission work.

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