Meredith Palmer

Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery) collage portrait by Megan Coyle
“Meredith Palmer,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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“Meredith Palmer” (Kate Flannery) is the ninth collage I’ve completed in my series inspired by The Office. Is portraiture getting any easier for me? It doesn’t feel like it, but when I compare some of my latest portraits to the work I was doing a couple of years ago, there is definitely an improvement. And that’s part of the art-making process – the more you practice your craft, the better you get at it. And even though the progress can be slow at times, there is indeed progress through practicing.

This piece was a little bit of a struggle after I blocked out all of the color. I spent a decent amount of time adding in all the detailing to ensure that Meredith looked like Meredith. Overall, I’m pleased with the result, and I’m excited to get started on yet another portrait in this series.

Kevin Malone

“Kevin Malone,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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And now I’m up to eight portraits in my collage series inspired by The Office with the completion of this “Kevin Malone” portrait. Again, I continue to have limited time to work on collages for the next month or so as I continue to marathon train. However, I’m glad I’m still making time to work on these. It’s been a lot of fun to see this series coming together, and I’m looking forward to tackling quite a few more of these. Portraiture continues to be a challenge for me, but I’m doing my best not to get discouraged and to keep pressing forward even when a piece doesn’t quite turn out the way I was hoping it to.

Now I need to head off and figure out who I’ll make a portrait of next…

Kelly Kapoor

Kally Kapoor collage by artist Megan Coyle
“Kelly Kapoor,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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It may have taken me until the very end of the month, but I did manage to complete one more portrait in my The Office series. I took my time with the seventh portrait, “Kelly Kapoor,” since again, marathon training has taken up most of my free time. I have two more months of training until my schedule will free up again.

What I’m really enjoying about this series is striving to get the likeness down of so many characters. Since the TV series has a fairly large cast, it really is pushing me to tackle a number of personalities while doing my best to maintain some consistency with how the portraits are constructed.

Angela Martin

Angela Martin collage portrait by Megan Coyle
“Angela Martin,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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Little by little, I’m completing portraits for my series inspired by The Office. It took a while to complete my sixth portrait, “Angela Martin,” simply because life has been a bit hectic these days. I’ve been training for the NYC Marathon which has been eating into the time that I used to devote to my craft. But have no fear, once November is here and gone, I’ll have more time freed up for art-making. In the meantime, I’m continuing to strive to complete at least one new collage every month.

Oscar Martinez

“Oscar Martinez,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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June has been a slow month for my collage-making since I’ve been doing a little bit of traveling and recently started my marathon training. However, I did manage to complete my “Oscar Martinez” collage inspired by The Office. This took a little longer to complete than usual, primarily because life has been hectic these days. Again, portraiture doesn’t come easy to me, so I’m glad that I’m working on tackling this series.

Pam Beesly

“Pam Beesly,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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Again, life has been a little hectic for me and I haven’t had a chance to make as much art as I was hoping to, but I managed to tackle this portrait of Pam Beesly this month. This is the fourth portrait in my series inspired by The Office. I’m having a ton of fun challenging myself to work on portrait illustrations, striving to get the essence of a given figure captured in a collage.

I’m planning to complete several more in this series. I may only have a new portrait to share once a month since I’m going to start marathon training soon, and that will consume a lot of my free time. However, I’ll still find time to make art, even if it’s not as much time as I used to devote to my craft.

Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert collage illustration by Megan Coyle
Jim Halpert collage illustration by Megan Coyle
“Jim Halpert,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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This month I haven’t had a lot of time to focus on my art since I spent a couple of weeks traveling. It’s always nice to take a break from your routine and unplug and unwind. But now I’m back and I had a chance to finish up the third portrait in my series inspired by The Office – and this time I completed a portrait of Jim Halpert (played by John Krasinski).

I spent a good amount of time working on layering the cutouts for the shadows and highlights of Jim’s face. Again, these series that I keep working on are helping me grow and get better as an artist. This type of work also makes me a bit uncomfortable since portraits don’t come easy to me, and I think that’s a good sign that I’m focusing on this type of subject matter. If it’s a challenge, that means there’s a lot of room for growth.

Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute collage by Megan Coyle
“Dwight Schrute,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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My new collage series inspired by The Office is definitely going to be a fun series to tackle. This is my second portrait in the series, and it had to be Dwight (played by Rainn Wilson) since he was one of my favorite characters from the show.

Portraiture continues to be a subject matter that’s outside my comfort zone, especially when it comes to sharing my work online. If I’m making a portrait of a well known figure, there’s even more scrutiny about whether or not my portrait looks like that person. And honestly, that scrutiny makes me nervous. So working on portraits over the course of several months has slowly taught me how to be okay with depicting portraits my own way. After all, I’m not a photorealist, my works are illustrations. I’m depicting my work with my own style, my own vision, and that doesn’t always mesh with how things appear in real life.


Capybara collage by Megan Coyle
“Capybara,” Collage on paper, 5″x7″
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The other day I decided to work on a capybara collage, inspired by a trending song that’s been going around online. I never realized how tricky it is to make a capybara portrait. At times, it felt like this collage just looked like a blob, so I had to make an effort to focus on the texture of the capybara’s fur as well as the shadows and highlights on it’s face and body. At first the water consisted of a number of fragments of photographs of water from magazines, but they didn’t look very cohesive, so I ended up collaging the texture of water from only a couple of similar images. Overall, this was a fun yet challenging animal portrait, and quite a bit different than the types of animals I’ve collaged in the past.

Michael Scott

Michael Scott by collage artist Megan Coyle
Michael Scott by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Michael Scott,” Collage on paper, 7″x5″
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Lately I’ve been pretty busy with a number of things outside of art-making. This year I’m planning to run the NYC marathon, along with a couple of half marathons, so life has consisted of a lot of running and working out. Thus this month I didn’t get around to completing many collages. “Michael Scott” is the only collage that I completed this month, and it was inspired by The Office. I’m planning to make a few more portraits in this series, although my next piece will be an animal portrait inspired by a song that I heard the other day.

Portraiture continues to be a challenge for me, but I’m determined to get to a place where I’m as comfortable making portraits as I am with animal portraits. We shall see how long that takes…