Dachshund Collage

Dachshund by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Dachshund.” Collage on paper. 12″x16″
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Here’s the dachshund collage that I finished the other day. I also did a landscape piece today that I’ll post later this week or weekend–whenever I get a chance to take pictures of it.

Swan and Flower Collages

Here’s an update on the collages I’ve been creating this summer. I’m about to begin a coffee cup series as well, and once I finish the first piece I’ll post that as well.

Green Swan by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Green.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Orange Swan by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Orange.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Pastel Sawn by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Swan Series – Pastel.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Purple Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Purple Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Blue Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Blue Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Warm Color Pansy by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Warm Color Pansy.” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
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Sunflower by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Sunflower.” Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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