Bond for Life

Boy with Dog by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Boy with Dog.”
Collage on paper. 24″x18″
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May 22nd – June 21st, 2009
Nicholas Colasanto Center; Alexandria, Virginia
Map and Gallery Info

Megan Coyle’s work in progress, “Boy with Dog,” was on display in the Del Ray Artisans’ exhibition, “Bond for Life.” The exhibition was dedicated to the emotions shared by humans and their pet companions.

Curator of the exhibition, Richardson, described the exhibition theme with the following:

“Most people have some idea how rewarding the campanionship of a pet can be. Few are aware,however, of the sheer diversity of the human-pet partnerships that have existed for thousands of years and continue today. Bond for Life is designed as an all out celebration of the special connection that humans and their pet companions share.”

Purple Pansy

Purple Pansy
“Purple Pansy.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″

I made another flower collage. Aside from this piece, I’ve gotten started on a couple more collages that are potential pieces for my solo exhibition next year. I’m also working on a commissioned piece, however those progress pictures won’t be posted for a while.

The Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial by Megan Coyle
“The Lincoln Memorial.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″
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I finished this one the other day and it’s now for sale on my Etsy shop. I’m going to try to do a few more mini D.C. collages whenever I have a chance in between my figurative work for my solo exhibition and my commission work.

The Sightseers

“The Sightseers.”
Collage on paper. 24″x18″
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This one is done for now. I’m planning to return to all of these “possible solo exhibition pieces” later on to refine the ones I like best. Some time away from a composition always does some bit of good.

Anyway, there’s more to come soon.

And I hope everyone is doing well!

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