The other week, Miss Smeaden from Cornwall, UK emailed me pictures of her students’ artwork. She teaches a Year 5 class, and they worked on their own colorful animal collages. I had a lot of fun reviewing the class’s artwork and seeing their collage display (pictured above).
It always brightens my day when I get emails from classrooms studying my art and making their own collages. The class did a lovely job of using bright, solid colors and incorporating various patterns and textures from magazine cutouts.
I also really enjoyed how expressive these creations were and seeing how many different animal species the class used for their compositions.
It was fun seeing bits of text from the magazines also incorporated into some of the pieces.
Collage can be a tricky medium when you’re new to it, and these students did a wonderful job of embracing the medium.
I hope these students continue to explore making collages, and I hope they had a fantastic time making these beautiful works of art!