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It’s a strange time right now. I never thought that I would ever experience a global pandemic, and now that I’m currently living in Brooklyn, in a city that’s been hit hard by COVID-19, I’m staying home in my apartment as much as possible and finding new creative projects to distract myself from the news.
I’m lucky that I have a lot of creative interests, and now I’m going to spend a lot of time exploring my art, writing, and coding. I’m looking forward to when this is all behind us, but at the moment, I’m doing my best to make the most of the present.
This past weekend I worked on another time lapse collage, this time I tackled a cockatoo portrait which was inspired by my recent trip to Australia (cockatoos were everywhere there). As I’m spending more time indoors, being creative, I’d like to produce more of these time lapse videos – so stay tuned to see more soon!