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Here’s another collage from the coated paper coffee cup series. Coated paper is much thicker than magazine pages, and I can tell a noticeable difference when working with it. With magazine pages, it’s much easier to layer the paper and work on small details. With the coated paper, it’s difficult to create several layers and I often find myself simplifying shadows and highlights. It’s interesting to change up your materials every once in a while.
In other news, I have a couple of rather large projects on my plate at the moment – there’s the children’s book which is taking quite a bit of time and the new education section of my site I’m putting together. The children’s book is taking a while to complete because it is going to consist of about thirty illustrations where the collage image is about 12”x16” – which is the medium size I work in. I’ll also need to work on the layout and edit the storyline I’ve written. The education project will take a while since I’m planning to put together several different lesson plans that are going to be somewhat interactive. So off to work I go!
Hey Mega, Sounds like you’ve got a bunch of cool projects lined up. Congrats! I really like the coffee collage….it’s very mod looking. Anyways, thanks for stopping by..it’s always nice hearing from you.
Julie 🙂
Oh, MEGAN! This is exquisite! May I put in a link to this page on FAT Tuesday? People need to see your amazing artwork. You are truly unique.
This just fills my eyes.
thanks all 🙂
And sure Beth, go right ahead – I don’t mind at all.
i love your green coffee cup!
awesome shadows! hmmm, i’d love to taste what this cup would hold ~ i’m certain it’s scrumptious! xo
the books sounds great megan and your work should certainly lead to a gallery show, too!
how exciting ..your work is growing..you will need this coffee!:)))
this is lovely, I like the geometry of it and the colours. Agree too its always interesting to change the materials you use once in a while
Hi ho, hi ho! And nothing better to start your day of work than an aromatic green cuppa! Fantastic play of squares and circles in your coffee. And your projects are YAY HOORAY! Oh, so exciting!