Tabby Cat

Tabby Cat by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Tabby Cat.” Collage on mat board. 5″x7″
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Yet another collage completed during my visiting artist work and it’s the second piece in a cat series. While working in an open studio, and being away from the computer, I was able to get quite a bit of work done. However I was working about seven days a week for a couple of months, and I think at the moment my body is telling me to cool it. So I’ve been doing quite a bit of relaxing these past couple of weeks. Yes there’s also been a lot of work involved, but I haven’t been as intense about it as I have been in the past. I’ve decided I need to take it easy before diving back in.

At the moment, aside from “taking it easy,” I’ve also been dabbling in some brainstorming, story boarding, and working on art-related work in the digital sense. I think in a couple more weeks I’ll make myself sit down every week and complete at least one mini collage. While working with art that involves the computer, I don’t want my studio art skills to grow rusty – so I’ll have to keep at it on the side.

I’ve also been feeling very thankful for having so many supportive people in my life. When it comes to being an artist, there are always people who try to drag you down and discourage you from your dreams. But at the same time, the smaller group of people who are rooting for you from the beginning are the ones who are much more memorable and important than any negative talkers. I’m happy to have those positive supporters in my life.

Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend! I’ll be spending mine taking pictures for future Bosty adventures.

9 Replies to “Tabby Cat”

  1. it sounds like you’ve found some great solutions to balance things between the computer and your artwork (i still haven’t quite figured that one out!). and good for you for giving yourself permission to take it a little easier for a while……everyone needs time to recharge their batteries!! your kitty is fabulous!! xox, :))

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