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Another collage completed during my Visiting Artist time at the Torpedo Factory. Time is flying by – before long July will be over!
My solo show was installed this morning. I created sixteen pieces for the show, but we were only able to fit fourteen on the wall. Tomorrow’s the big day for the opening reception – I just need to take care of a little prep work tonight to get ready tomorrow. It’s crazy to think that I knew I had a solo show at the Art League Gallery back in 2008. All last year I worked on the body of work for the exhibit. And now, it’s finally up and ready to be viewed! Exciting!!
these turtles are wonderful ,such vibrant colours! Good luck with the show!
They look like opals with legs … beautiful. Am I allowed to say they are my favourite animals thus far (or do I say that with new each one).
love these!
& we actually have
2 african leopard tortoises
in our basement (my husband’s deal!) that definitely “cuddle”!!
cute turtles ^^! beautiful design.