Taking High-Quality Photographs of Artwork

This weekend I didn’t get a chance to work on my portable portfolio that much – I just swung by a few stores to pick up supplies for it. Before I start putting together prints for it, I want to take higher resolution pictures of my artwork. Previously, I used an old point-and-shoot Canon camera to take images of my work. I also went outside on nice days to take images. Now, with my higher resolution Nikon camera and my light kit, I can control the lighting for the images and take much crisper and clearer images.

Below are a couple works of art that I retook images of. The collages are actually back from my high school days in 2004, when I used to incorporate oil pastel into my collages. The images with caption 1 are photographs I took with my older camera while the ones with caption 2 are what I took with my newer camera. It’s amazing what a difference it can make when you take better images of your work. So now it’ll take me a while to sift back through my work to take better images – but for documentation’s sake, the work will be well worth it when I’m done. With better photographs, you can get much better prints and have nicer looking pictures on your website.

Orange Girl by collage artist Megan Coyle

Orange Girl by collage artist Megan Coyle


Figure by collage artist Megan Coyle
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One Reply to “Taking High-Quality Photographs of Artwork”

  1. yes, you’re right – there is a big difference in between the two. i don’t envy you the task of having to go back and re-photograph everything, but as you said, it will be well worth the effort when you are finished. these are both great pieces, by the way!

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