The Torpedo Factory

The Torpedo Factory by collage artist Megan Coyle
“The Torpedo Factory.” Collage on paper. 12″x9″
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This is a collage of the Torpedo Factory, which is a well known art gallery/artist studio community in Old Town. I’m thinking about making two more collages in this series. Then it’ll be back to working on art for the festival, and perhaps even working on another portrait.

In other news, the Alexandria Times published a little blurb about my work being exhibited in the Smithsonian’s Ripley Center, which I discovered today although it was published a month ago. The exhibition ended yesterday and I’ll pick up my piece later this week.

14 Replies to “The Torpedo Factory”

  1. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. It led me straight to yours. WOW! Your collage work is absolutely….WOW. How you can capture such expression and detail with cut paper is absolutely remarkable. I’ll be checking back often. Hope you don’t mind if I add you to my blogroll.

  2. this is totally random, but I commented on a post after you on jess gonacha’s blog. My name is jennifer meghan coyle! Your work is great, by the way!

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