Store Policy

Megan Coyle provides shipping and handling for all purchases of original artwork via She also uses different companies that help print and distribute her artwork as prints, books, and merchandise, which is run through three online companies—Redbubble and Amazon.

Redbubble provides the service of printing images of Megan’s art on different merchandise items (including prints).

Redbubble is responsible for the shipping and handling of all items available through the sections listed above. If there’s a problem with the shipment of your order, or the order itself, contact Redbubble.

Amazon and Apple Books provides shipping and billing for all orders of books from the following section:

  • Store: Art Books
  • Store: Duck & Fish

If you have a problem with the shipment of your order from the section mentioned above, or you want to return any items, contact Amazon or Apple Books. Megan isn’t responsible for any issues related to Apple Books’/Amazon’s books since Apple/Amazon are independent companies that are providing a service to Megan’s customers.

Imagekind, Amazon, Apple, and Redbubble also have their own return policies that may differ from Megan’s.

Megan’s store policy may be subject to change from time to time.