Collage on mat board. 7″x5″
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This is a simple collage that I put together for an upcoming group exhibition. I’ve been missing in action a little bit these days when it comes to blogging – been a little tied up with a couple of large projects that I’m anxious about completing.
And next month will be another busy month – I’m making a trek to Jasper, Indiana at the end of April for my solo show and day-long workshop. So far it looks like about forty of my pieces will be on display for the exhibit. Yep, I’ve got quite a bit of planning ahead of me but I’m pretty excited about getting everything ready.
this guitar ROCKS!
gorrrrrgeous!! xox
Oh I love this! Congrats on your solo show/workshop 🙂
Wow! It really has dimension!!
Wow, the colors on the guitar are gorgeous! The white reminds me of mother of pearl. Amazing guitar! WOOOHOO, you are super busy. Yay! Rock on!
Oh, Megan! I gasped as this one came up–this fills my eyes. Girl! What a talented artist you are!!!!
Good luck on your exhibit, my dear. I’m SO proud of you. Forty pieces!!! Well, I’m not surprised, dear Megan. I feel so privileged to know you. Your artwork is so unique–I’m just in awe when I see each new piece. ((hugs))
beautiful guitar, I love the colours! Good luck with your show and workshop!
holy cow! I’ve missed you! What amazing work….you just keep getting better and better. xoxo
you are definitely a collage rock star! i always love seeing what you’ve been up to! :))
love the guitar and all the good things coming your way!
how did i miss this .. you captured each detail so well~