
Arbitrary color: color that has no realistic relation to the subject that is depicted

Background: area in a work of art that appears in the distance

Collage: artwork made from different materials such as paper and fabric glued onto a surface

Composition: the way a subject is organized in artwork – the way lines, shapes, objects, etc. are arranged on the page

Cool colors: includes colors like blue, green, and purple

Environment: setting

Foreground: area in a work of art that appears closer to the viewer (appears in front of the background)

Habitat: the environment where an animal lives

Highlights: areas that are hit directly by light

Medium: the materials used to make a work of art

Mood: the way a work of art makes us feel

Natural color: color that is realistically related to the subject depicted

Painting with paper: Megan Coyle’s collage technique where she cuts magazine strips and glues them down in such a way that they resemble the brushstrokes in a painting

Shadows: areas where light from a light source cannot reach

Sketch: a rough drawing

Subject: what a work of art depicts

Subject matter: what a work of art depicts

Surface: usually a piece of paper or canvas that is used to paint or collage on

Warm colors: includes colors like red, orange, and yellow

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