Bosty is a Boston Terrier dog. He is a collage that Megan Coyle made by using her “painting with paper” collage technique.
A collage is a work of art that’s made by putting together different pieces of material like paper or fabric. Megan Coyle completed her “Bosty” collage by paging through magazines where she looked for bright colors. Then she cut out magazine strips and glued down the paper in such a way that it looked a lot like the brushstrokes in a painting.
Find out more about Coyle’s process.
The Photo Series
Coyle used a program on her computer to make “The Adventures of Bosty” photo collage series. First she took a digital photograph of her completed “Boston Terrier” collage . Then with a computer program, she took the completed collage and cut out the dog from the background. Next she took several different digital photos from her computer that were snapshots from her travels. She digitally pasted the image of Bosty on top of the photographs. By moving Bosty to different areas in the photographs – such as the left, right, or bottom of the images – she could make it look like he was moving around in different settings.
Take a look at how the placement of Bosty makes him look like he’s out on an adventure: (Click on an image below to view a larger image)

How is the Bosty series different from Coyle’s other collages? How is the series similar? What do you like about Bosty?