
Megan Coyle Collage Thoughts

So many ideas and so little time! I better hurry up so I can capture them all on paper! Or should I say “in” paper?

My desk is covered in slips of paper – all my “to do” lists. I’m anxious to start quite a few projects and finish them soon, but there’s only so many hours in the day. Thus I’m focusing on just a couple of things for now.

I’m continuing to work away on my book but I have a couple of other projects coming up that I haven’t mentioned before. A client of mine contacted me about donating my services for a silent auction for an organization called The Cure Starts Now. TCSN raises money for pediatric brain cancer research. I’ve lost a few family members to different types of cancer, and I couldn’t think of any other type of organization I’d want to donate my work to. So it looks like I’ll be donating a custom work of art for the first time in the next few months.

Anyway, I’m off to turn my collage thoughts into actual collages.

Bosty goes to Charlottesville

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

Bosty decided to go on a trip to enjoy the vineyards and landscape of Charlottesville, Virginia.

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

He stayed at the Clifton Inn

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

and enjoyed lounging around on his room’s deck.

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

He liked the rustic decor – although the room was also decorated with a few birdcages. They reminded him a little too much of a pet shop.

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

And after a lazy day, he ran outside to catch the sunset.

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

Later in the week, Bosty decided to take a look at UVA’s campus. He dressed up for the occasion in a colonial hat…

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

Bosty sure does love Jeffersonian architecture!

Bosty goes to Charlottesville by collage artist Megan Coyle

He ended his trip by strolling through some countryside pastures.

Pink Coffee Cup

Pink Coffee Cup by collage artist Megan Coyle

“Pink Coffee Cup”
Collage on mat board (coated paper)

Since I have focused a lot of time on my children’s book illustrations, I’ve decided to strive to complete a couple small collages every week. That way I can break up my illustration work a bit and continue to explore other subjects and compositions. The piece above is something I completed last night. Instead of working with magazine strips like I usually do, I used coated paper. The paper was pretty thick which forced me to work with fewer strips and it simplified the look of the finished piece. This exercise reminds me that I should start thinking about projects for the workshop I’m running in April. I know that April seems a ways away, although it will get here before I know it…


Shelby by collage artist Megan Coyle
“Shelby” Collage on paper. 9″x12″
Order a print

Here’s the finished piece. My client gave this collage to his wife as a Christmas gift. I was happy to hear that it was well received. This dog sure looked pretty cute – in all the reference photos the client sent me, Shelby had her tongue hanging out.

Anyway, I’m off to enjoy the weekend. I’m going to work away on my children’s book illustrations – and I must say, it’s pretty difficult being secretive about my book since I’m so used to sharing my progress pictures, etc. The only image from the project I plan to post is the cover art once I’ve finished it. I’m half-way done with the book – can’t wait until it’s finished and ready for print. I’m excited to share it – even though it’s got a ways to go.